You might be thinking that the cart abandonments are due to undecided customers or simply time wasters. The question you need to ask yourself at this point is, why are the figures this high? Well, the answer might seem obvious to you as a store owner. It is estimated that an average store loses about 68% of the potential sales to guess what? Cart abandonment! Yes, so if you think that your store is immune to cart abandonment, you need to think again. You will also learn how to reduce this with the use of plugins. Cart abandonment is an extensive topic but in this article, you will learn exactly why your store is experiencing such high rates of cart abandonment. The worst part about WooCommerce cart abandonment is that you as the store owner have no idea about it. This is a thorny issue that store owners have to deal with in order to boost their revenues. If you are an online store owner, you are most likely experiencing cart abandonment.