Add a secondary axis in excel for mac

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However, since the values are less than one, the line graph values are too close to the horizontal axis to be visually significant.įigure 7. The %Reduction bar graph is now presented as a line graph.

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The Change Chart Type dialog box will appear.We right-click on the series “% Reduction” and select Change Series Chart Typeįigure 5.

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We want to present %Reduction as a line graph. Vertical Bar Graph Change bar graph to line graph Two column charts or vertical bar charts will be created, one each for Quantity and %Reduction.įigure 4. Next, we change the chart type of one graph into a line graph. There are two main steps in creating a bar and line graph in Excel. Final result: Bar and Line Graph Bar Chart with Line This article assists all levels of Excel users on how to create a bar and line chart. Excel allows us to combine different chart types in one chart. One helpful tip in improving dashboard presentation is by creating combination charts.